Equipment Essential For Your Aquarium

Aquariums require a set of vital equipments in order for it to develop into a safe and functional miniature water environment for the fish. When you are setting up an aquarium, apparatus such as filtration systems may be necessary in order to preserve clean aquarium water appropriate for keeping a stress-free environment for the fish.

Air pumps may well also be necessary in order to supply oxygen for the fish or supply carbon dioxide for aquariums with a lot of plants. Aquarium heaters might also be needed to maintain the ideal water temperature for your fish.

Filtration systems function to clean out the aquarium water and purge wastes that have dissolved in the water over time. A standard filtration system might include:
1. The intake where the "dirty" water comes in
2. Mechanical filtration that attempts to filter out floating sediments in the water
3. Chemical filtration that gets rid of the nitrogenous wastes and phosphates dissolved in water
4. Biological filtration that attempts to remove bacteria and other organisms that may be harmful to the fish
5. The outflow where the filtered water is led back into the tank

Filtration systems for aquariums are perhaps the most crucial as well as the most complicated of all aquarium equipments. There are a number of designs that can be employed to allow for various levels of filtration. There are other extra filtration devices such as protein skimmers that take out proteins as well as additional waste from the aquarium water.

The air pumps are predominantly employed to supply enough oxygen into the aquarium water. Fish may suffer from oxygen starvation and may expire if they aren't supplied with oxygen in the water regularly.

Aquarium fish may be prone to this condition since aquarium water is mostly stagnant and may have depleting oxygen levels in time. Air pumps can be used to bring back the oxygen levels in the aquarium back to normal levels in order to keep a more livable environment for the aquarium residents.

Aquarium heaters are often used to regulate the water temperature inside the aquarium. This is especially required for tropical aquariums that usually house a variety of exotic tropical fish that may require the environment of tropical water temperatures in order to thrive. Aquarium heaters are usually equipped with thermostats in order to efficiently regulate the right water temperature at the designated levels.

In contrast, there are also aquarium coolers available that are used in places where water temperature may be required to be lower than the prevailing room temperature in order for the aquarium fish to be comfortable.

Caring For A Shark In An Aquarium

Many pet lovers would like to own a goldfish, a few guppies or rainbow fish in the aquarium. This is because of their colorful features and friendly looks that anyone will surely find irresistible. For a more aggressive fish, you can always get a shark. Many of us are familiar with hammerheads and Great White's but there are other species that don't grow to be that large.

Take for instance the Bala Shark. This fish looks like a shark but in reality isn�t. It simply resembles the real thing since it is color silver and also has a tall dorsal fins making it move swiftly in the water. The Bala shark is known by additional names such as the Silver Shark and the Tri-Colored Shark. It also likes swimming in an aquarium that has a lot or plants and rocks allowing it to hide when it doesn't want to be disturbed.

The good thing about this fish is that it can live peacefully amongst other fish in the aquarium. You can begin with one and then perhaps add more later on to see a school move in formation. A group of 4 or 6 are worth having particularly for those that had experience in the past.

The Bala shark needs to live in a generously proportioned aquarium preferably 30 gallons when it is just 2 inches long and then has to be transferred to a bigger one as it gets larger. It can live for up to 8 to 12 years and be 14 inches long.

The right water temperature should be from 71 to 83 degrees Fahrenheit and the right pH level should be around 7.0. Bala sharks love to eat freeze-dried bloodworms and fish flakes. The owner can even give an occasional treat of live black worms or shrimp.

One has to be aware that the Bala shark produces a clicking noise every so often. This is natural and this is nothing to be bothered about because this is just one of its unique characteristics. It is difficult to tell the sex of the Bala shark. This is because the two look alike. It is simpler to decide on the sex in other species where the brighter one with the longer fin is the male.

There are a number of movies on sharks usually showing these animals of the deep as vicious and merciless killers. Your perception will surely change after caring for a Bala shark.

Information About Algae in Your Aquarium and How To Rid Yourself Of Them

As you you are a keen aquarium owner, you ought to be able to relate when it is said that algae is a foremost problem in keeping the fish tank pleasant to view. Once a minor patch is observed, it only takes a day or two before you can observe that it is begining to overwhelm the delicate balance of your aquarium. Even though algae are generally thought to be an eyesore, we cant ignore the fact that they will grow in your fish tank whether you like it or not.

Its vital to know the kinds of algae that can flourish in your aquarium. It is essential for you to understand that there is a particular type of algae that can be left alone. This is the green kind of algae. It will start as a tiny, slimy patch then when left alone, it will grow into something akin to hair (green hair, that is!). Don't worry when you have green algae in your aquarium. This means that you have established a healthy environment for your pets. Now the challenge is how to control it and keep it from overwhelming all the other species in the tank.

If your new aquarium is plagued by the brown or red algae, then it is most likely that you have a problem in your fish tanks water quality. The red or brown algae usually appears in new, saltwater aquariums only. They are seen often on the corals.

An additional variety of algae-like organism is the diatom (and these are the hardest to clean!). These ones look like dots. These diatoms have hard shells and they cling to the tank. When not cleaned, green algae would start to grow on it.

You ought to be very alarmed when your aquarium becomes a home for cyanobacteria. This slimy stuff grows much more rapidly than the common algae. Even though it is simple to clean, cyanobacteria can grow back just as easy. Once there is an infestation of cyanobacteria in your aquarium, it is best to control them right away. The best way to do so is to clean the corals in your fish tank thoroughly.

There are ways of controlling algae in your aquarium. Other from cleaning regularly, it is also important to place the aquarium as far away from the window as you possibly can. Having a direct sunlight hit your aquarium will mean faster growth to the unsightly algae. If you have to place your aquarium near a window, make sure to put blinds or thick curtains that would protect the water from a direct hit of light. You can open these drapes or blinds during the evening.

An additional way of controlling algae is to restrict the amount of lighting that your fish receive in a day. Of course, lighting is necessary for them to develop Vitamin D in their bodies but too much lighting will surely hasten algae growth. To avoid this risk, make sure that you turn on the fish lights to no more than ten hours in a day. Make sure to turn them on or off during the same hours each day.

If you would like to resort to algae-eating creatures, then there are certain snails and fishes that you can purchase which would clean up the tank for you. Just make sure that they do not overpopulate. Remember that the more fishes you have in a small tank, the higher the chances that the ammonia would reach toxic levels.

There are some apparatus that can be installed to control the growth of algae. These include ultraviolet sterilizers and algae scrubbers, also equipment that do ozonization, resin exchange, or reverse osmosis. If you are willing to do so, you can use distilled water in your fish tank.

There are so many ways of controlling algae but bear in mind that preventing them from recurring would be futile. Algae are a normal part of an aquatic habitat. It is, after all, not dirt but just an unsightly growth in your tank. All you have to do is to learn to control it and manage a habitat that is healthier for your pet fish.

What To Feed Your Fish

One of the most satisfying hobbies on the planet (and possibly one of the most relaxing, too!) is maintaining an aquarium. The pleasure of looking at the crystal clear water with live fish and plants is truly beyond words. And with this pleasure comes the tank cleaning and fish feeding. Although it is veryo create a good environment for your fish, it is also just as important, though, to be aware of what to feed your fish. You may well have the most beautiful aquarium on the block but you aren't guaranteed that your fish will last long if you aren't cautious with what you feed them.

The key rule in feeding your fish is to understand what type or species your fish belongs to. Do thorough investigation. If you know what kind of diet your pet fish should have, then it will be simpler for your to scout for the food among pet shops or in the market. Keep in mind the classification of animal diets (herbivore, carnivore and omnivore)? Fish also fall under these categories. There are fish that can only feed on algae flakes and who would shun, say, shrimp flakes. These are the herbivores (examples are Molly, Silver Dollar, Pacu or Tropheus) that also prefer to eat vegetable pellets or flakes and spinach. The carnivores (Archerfish, Banjo catfish, Bettas, Hachetfish, Frontosa, or Killifish) are the ones that favor worms and small insects. Here s a great tip for omnivore fishes ( Armored Catfish, Blood Parrot, Discus, Convict, Goldfish, Gourami, or Guppy): Even though they eat nearly anything on a fish diet, they do favor live foods.

Next to understanding what diet your fish should have, it is also crucial to make a balanced diet for your pet fish. Just like humans, fish also need a variety in their diet.

Protein is the most essential part in a fish s diet. Since this is so, it is vital to keep this in mind when searching for fish food in pet stores. Seek outthose foods that have fishmeal or shrimps on their labels. The lowest nutrient in your fish s food ought to be fat. Just like humans, too much fat could harm their livers. Be sure to add some fibers to their diet, too. Just a little would be adequate.

If you are a fishbowl keeper or one of those who are satisfied with just small tanks, then it is a must for you to feed your pet fish with just flakes or the freeze dried bloodworms that you can buy at most pet stores. The important thing here is to feed fish in small tanks with flaky fish foods. Also, be sure to give them just a pinch of flakes each time. If they are able to gobble them up right away, then you can give another pinch, and so on. Food that isn't eaten will go down to the bottom of the tank and will cause pollution. Furthermore, remember not to overfeed your pet fish.

Flakes normally have a shelf life of just one month. If you feed your fish the flakes that are more than a month old, they may possibly be more susceptible to illnesses because of the loss of nutritional content. Again, select a variety of flakes so that your fish has a balanced diet.

For bigger fish in larger tanks, the finest food would be fish pellets or floating stick food. These pellets supply more food mass for larger fish. If you aren't a fan of freeze-dried foods, then you can choose to have them fresh. Worms, insect eggs, and even tiny insects such as ants are a good feed to some types of fish.

Other than the usual flakes, pellets and floating stick foods, there are also other freeze-dried fish foods that can be purchased at most pet stores. The majority of of these foods include tubifex, krill, or river shrimp.

Now that you know all these things, it is also important to know that fish recognize immediately who feeds them regularly. At the sight of food (even if you have just fed them), they would leap to get a mouthful. Again, remember not to overfeed them! You can over love them but never, ever overfeed!

The Best Way To Keep Your Aquarium Clean

If you are a fish-lover (and by that, we mean you keep an aquarium and you don't eat those pet fish!), then you obviously are familiar with the pleasures of keeping a fish tank at home. Then you could also testify to the difficulties that plague aquarium owners. Along with a multitude of joys that you experience in keeping an aquarium come the difficulties like algae growth, creating a healthy ecosystem (no ammonia in the water) plus food leftovers that make the water dirty.

When you have these problems, rest assured that there are also a great many solutions that you can turn to. Let s just take them on one by one:

1. For common aquarium dirt (that s inclusive of the algae and fish poop), it is always recommended to buy an aquarium filtration system. Although this may cost you more than you have predicted, still, the results are long term. Acquiring a water filter would mean that there will be less major cleaning for you. And by major cleaning, we mean needing to taking the fish and the accessories out of the water and to clean the tank itself. When you have a water filter, you will be tasked with just the straightforward cleaning of the filter itself. And this has to be done on a regular basis. It will take time before you do another major cleaning. If you do choose to invest in a water filter, just make sure that you know how to properly clean it. If you are stuck with a product that you don't know how to clean, then, chances are, you can do more harm to the delicate balance of your aquarium. There are a number of kinds of water filters: The internal filter, the power filter, the inline or canister filter, and the wet/dry filter.
2. If your aquarium is plagued with algae, it is crucial to keep the tank away from any of your windows. Keep in mind that when the aquarium is exposed to light, then there is also more algae growth. If you re depending on fluorescent lights, then it is vital for you to know that is also detrimental to have those lights turned on more than ten hours. An additional way to control algae is to introduce animals that eat up algae in your aquarium. The Chinese Algae eater is a good choice. Just make sure that you have them when they re young because they become too aggressive when they turn into adults. If you don t want to risk your other fishes lives, then you can rely on the good ol snail to do the job for you. If you can't wait for days before the algae is removed, then you can buy algae scrapers. There are also other equipment in pet stores that introduce reverse osmosis and ozonization in your fish tank.
3. Another problem is fish poop, right? Well, with this, the answer is fairly simple. When you put in the gravel on your aquarium floor, make sure that it slants towards the front. This way, you will be better able to see the fish dirt that has accumulated. Never put in too many spaces between the gravel, as it will be home for fish poop that you won't be able to see.
4. This is, maybe, one of the simplest tips don't add in more fish to your aquarium more than it is able to bear. Remember that more fish in your fish tank will require more water. But since aquariums have limited water supplies as compared to the fishes natural habitat, it is then imperative to keep the number of fish at a tolerable level. More fish in your tank will produce more poop. When this happens, ammonia will be inevitably introduced into your tank.
5. When the water in your tank turns yellow or brownish, don't be alarmed. The plants in your tank might cause the color. Yellow water doesn't automatically mean dirty water. The most normal interval in cleaning fish tanks should be 2-4 weeks. Before two weeks would mean your tank is too clean but beyond the four weeks, the environment could be toxic to your pet fish.

Cleaning a fish tank can be monotonous but as an animal lover, you do know that the straightforward burden of cleaning is nothing when compared to the joys that fish will bring.

Managing Your Freshwater Aquarium

Constructing an aquarium is all about a love of for looking after of fish, where the purpose is setting up an artificial environment appropriate to sustain their wellbeing and growth. If you aren't accustomed to the job in hand, you will need books and information to push through with the hobby favorably, or else you will need an qualified person's advice.


The freshwater aquarium tank has got to be the exact size. The correct size doesn't mean dimensions, but it is more in regard to its size proportion with the amount of fish to be brought up and housed. It should be fitted with a filtration system, heater, with man-made source of light in the cover. The tank is ready to keep fish after it is filled with water. This is just the begining.


It is crucial to have an understanding of the necessary "balance" fit for the fish. It means the number of fish can affect the emitted waste matter in the tank. More often than not, these waste matters consume bacteria in the water. The cycle in the aquarium is constantly balanced by this critical principle. It will take some corrections and timing before putting in the next lot of fish. To prevent too much waste, it is desirable to add not more than five (5) in a month. It is vital to watch the change in the water's clarity on a daily basis. This isn't boring because feeding is performed once or twice a day. It means, every feeding is followed up by some check-up routine.


Swapping the water in the tank has to be completed on a weekly basis. The dirt on the floor of the tank has to be suctioned and taken out. Chlorinated water and other chemicals to limit water chlorination should be avoided as tank filler because it can harm and discolor the gills of the fish.

Unplug all power sources from filter and heaters to steer clear of smashing the glass tank as a consequence of temperature change.

If you propose to clean the water, it follows that it is also imperative to contemplate cleaning the glass for hygienic and aesthetic reasons. The fish show considerable behavioral changes and agitation when the glass isn't clean.

Tepid water mustn't be too hot or it will affect the useful bacteria in the tank.


What was refered to above are just the fundamentals about freshwater aquariums. Remember that putting up one is all about making a habitable environment. Therefore, other add-ons such as plants, decorative objects and other things may help in maintaining the fish content in a tank.

Make Sure you have the correct Fish Species for the Right Aquarium

In an aquarium, you can not simply mix sharks with any type of fish you select on the market. Setting up the species you add at considered choice is also considered. It has something to do with integrating the correct ones. As violent behavior occurs in the tank, you can combine types that are aggressive and those that can survive the plight.

There are ways of combining species depending on what is desired. The following categories are:

SPECIMEN TANKS - fish in this type of tank are for breeding reasons. Fish of the same species collected in the tank is also supported with plants and marine components fit for a very particular type. Typically housed in a number of tanks in one place, collecting a single breeds of fish is more easily done. The owner will only master one type and understand the breeding simpler in contrast to to the next;

ECOTYPE - this variety of aquarium pastime involves setting up a mixture of diverse breeds of fish and other aquatic animals and invertebrates. The ornaments are altered for a number of different species. Ecotype is like replicating the actual world of the selected ones.

REEF AQUARIUM - is a system that recreates a more complicated amalgamation of tropical aquatic life forms of warm oceans. This is the most costly of all and the type needing more knowledge and specialization.

When it comes to selecting the appropriate type of fish and aquatic life, it is all about the ecology of the simulated environment of the aquarium. Once transported to tanks, it will never be ideal because of the space limit. One death of a fish in small tank (say 10 gallons) can have an effect on the rest, while it won't be significant in a 100-gallon tank. This is the major reason why the benefit of selecting a large aquarium is desired with its capability to keep more species to accomplish stability of balance.

The food chain (predator-prey combination) in an aquarium is nearly unattainable even in most sophisticated set-ups. The aquarium keeper is always in charge of keeping a watchful eye over this balance issue of aquatic forms.

Selecting the correct breed of fish and aquatic life will always be studied. The enthusiast has to be prepared with the odds of losing fish at some point in time. He must have understanding in looking after rare species to acclimatize it to a different ecosystem. Keep in mind that having an aquarium is rewarding, but it will also need commitment and calling.

Managing Saltwater Aquariums

Saltwater aquariums, although extremely near to the elements of seawater, do not as a matter of course make the pastime any simpler. With this variety of aquarium, accessories are more challenging than just swapping the tank's water. The customary method of accomplishing this type of aquarium is in close relation to the ocean, where the water itself is drawn to the aquarium. Even though this might restrict the enthusiasts who live a long way from the sea or ocean, replicating saltwater can be accomplished artificially with the blending of salt mixed to the closest blend.

Saltwater aquariums aren't so much applicable to individual enthusiast because of the fundamental expense concerned. Although it can be accomplished in less significant tanks, the chemical constituents of salt in connection with the accouterments of the aquarium. This is the explanation why the smallest capacity of obtainable tanks for saltwater aquarium begins at 40 gallons, which are not appropriate for regular people. Managing with the difficulties are the foremost reasons why salt aquariums are created bigger. With more capacity, the ecosystem of marine organisms are simple to look after. All that it takes to deal with it is the expense. This cost includes the following: A sizeable sturdy tank with an extremely firm support stand or pedestal; chemicals for the salty elements; filtration system; imitation lighting; aquarium heaters.

Unique species appropriate for saltwater aquariums are more difficult to obtain from deep waters in contrast to fresh water aquariums, which is taken from shallow seas. Once removed from the sea and put in aquariums, the fish will make modifications, unless the nearest seawater replica is accomplished in the tank. The aquarium owner not only has to take care the water but also the day and night projection of lights, which is additionally critical for the everyday activity of the fish. Although it may not be essential, the lights are for the maintenance crew also. Heating the tank to a particular temperature is relevant to tropical species. Saltwater aquariums are an investment for tropical fish breeds since they have richer colors in contrast to the fish from cooler bodies of water in different parts of the planet. The propensity for such aquatic choices is the reason why special species mustn't be disposed thoughtlessly in any other bodies of water likes rivers and ponds.

The expense of select species will be an amalgamation of the appropriate sea/ocean fish, invertebrates and a few live rocks, corals, and plants. There isn't anything expensive so long as there is enough money in maintaining the demands of a costly aquarium.

A Saltwater Aquarium?

In ancient Rome, it was thought the in thing to keep sea anemones in glass jars full of saltwater. These were the earliest saltwater tanks, and although they were short-lived, they became the precursors to a present day hobby that has fascinated aquarium keepers and enthusiasts alike. Keeping a saltwater aquarium can be satisfying and challenging, in that the saltwater tank has to be looked after constantly, but can house many fascinating deep sea organisms that a freshwater tank would otherwise reject.

In the initial days of marine aquarium maintenance, enthusiasts collected saltwater at the beach. This practice introduced parasites and pollutants to tanks, and often killed expensive aquatic organisms. Nowadays, marine aquariums contain chemically-defined saltwater, which is tested for safety and salinity levels before being introduced to the tank.

The Marine Aquarium

A marine aquarium tank is typically constructed of glass or acrylic. It may be placed on a stand or set into a wall. In addition it will contain equipment for chemical, biological, and mechanical filtration, along with lighting and heating accessories. All these pieces of equipment are vital in maintaning the environment of the marine aquarium as near to that of seawater as achievable.

There are a number of different types of marine aquarium fish maintaning techniques. The FO, or fish only tanks will contain merely marine fish, along with a few pebbles to coat the aquarium floor. In the fish only with live rock system, or FOWLR, fish are kept along with microorganisms that are present in live rocks, such as vital algae, invertebrates, and bacteria. The reef tank will contain sea anemones, delicate aquatic invertebrates, and corals, and will have a carefully controlled lighting system.

The Marine Filtration System

Since marine aquarium tanks will often gather sizeable amounts of microorganisms, and since the carefully controlled pH levels of the water can also be inviting to microorganisms that can harm marine organisms, a filtration system is essential to maintain a marine aquarium. There are a number of different techniques of filtration appropriate to sustain the integrity of a marine tank, and all these methods will combine chemical, biological, and mechanical filtration.

Simple hang on filters may contain plates where beneficial bacteria can form their colonies. These bacteria provide biological filtration, and they shouldn't be cleaned out or expunged, as they give a healthy biological balance in the marine tank. Bigger marine aquarium tanks will also have bio-filtration media; sometimes, sizeable amounts of live rock can provide their own biological filtration, although molds and fungi can often damage live rock. As a result, marine aquarium enthusiasts and merchants suggest protein skimmers, which can introduce bubbles into the marine aquarium tank. These bubbles copy the action of wave foam, and will contain waste products, saltwater, plankton, and essential nutrients.

Lighting and Heating

Although lighting may possibly seem to be more vanity than a requirement, many marine systems in fact need a cycle that balances light and dark hours. This simulation of day and night is vital to maintain the Circadian rhythm of the fish in the tank, an inner biological clock that determines periods of sleep and waking. This biological clock also governs other aspects of fish health. Strong lighting, moreover, can promote the proliferation of coralline algae, which is important in fish with live rock tanks.

A lot of marine fish are caught in tropical areas, where the water is warmer than it is in temperate regions. These fish have to be established in a tank that mimics the native temperature of their saltwater, so most marine aquarium tanks also need to be heated. Although some cold water marine fish are also available, they are generally not as colorful or attractive as warm water marine fish.

Saltwater and the Best Marine Environment

Saltwater should be tested before it is introduced to a marine aquarium. Specific gravity is important, as it determines the ion balance in the water. In general, a specific gravity of about 1.020 to 1.024 can be suitable for a fish only tank. A specific gravity of 1.023 to 1.026 is good for supporting the growth of corals and invertebrates. Salinity is also an issue: Salt should be at a level of about thirty parts per thousand, and can be measured with a refractometer.

The pH or acidity of the tank should be at about 8.1 to 8.3, which is more alkaline than ordinary water. This can be maintained through the use of buffers, a calcium-rich substratum, or commercially available chemical mixtures. Saltwater also needs to be buffered, and monitored for levels of ammonia, which is toxic, and which is converted to nitrate. Marine animals excrete ammonia into the water through their wastes or gills; bacteria pick this up and convert it into nitrate; the algae and corals use this nitrate to function. Although this balance is ideal, it is difficult to maintain, as nitrates may accumulate faster than algae and corals can take them up. Nitrates are toxic to fish, and can be removed only by changing the water. If you are interested in maintaining a marine aquarium, then make sure that you have all the knowledge necessary to have one. A marine aquarium can be a challenge to build, difficult to maintain, but an enjoyable sight to observe.

Tips For Maintaining Your Aquarium

If you are interested in the hobby of caring for aquarium fish, you have got to know that it may take a little work. Aquariums as a rule need attention and maintenance not only in regard to equipment but additionally on the fish and plants put inside. Aquariums need to be well cared for in order to be appreciated. This means knowing how to clean, care and retain an ideal environment for the fish and the plants inside. Here are a number of useful tips that you can use in order to keep a well-maintained aquarium.

1. Don't over feed the fish in your aquarium. Know what amount may be sufficient for your type of aquarium and stick to that. You have got to be aware that you are trying to recreate an environment for your fish. But it may be far from perfect or ideal since such an environment may not be big enough to take care of the different aspects that make up the natural surroundings of the fish.

Take waste disposal for example, aquariums might not be well-equipped in taking care of the waste brought about by decomposition as well as the development of nitrites unlike in the natural underwater surroundings. But there are ways in order to prevent such wastes from further polluting the aquarium environment and this is by feeding your fish with only the adequate recommended amounts and not more.

2. Make sure you change at least half of the water inside your aquarium once every month. This will assist in diluting and removing the nitrates in the water before it accumulates to dangerous levels. Changing the aquarium water regularly may also help get rid and prevent certain diseases from invading your aquarium fish population.

Changing the water on a regular basis may also help replace some essential trace elements that may have been used up in your aquarium. But remember also that changing more than half of the aquarium water at any one time may not be safe for the fish since it may create an abrupt change in the surroundings that may be stressful for the fish.

3. Have a quarantine aquarium available for sick fish as well as new additions to your aquarium. The quarantine area will help in quarantining the sick fish from the others and therefore may help curb widespread infection. This also holds true when adding new fish to your main aquarium. The quarantine area may be used to get the new fish acquainted with the new aquarium environment as well as help prevent other outside threats from directly affecting your other fish collection.

Keeping Angelfish In Your Aquarium

One of the most eye-catching fish species that you can put in your aquarium collection is the unsurpassed angelfish. The P. Scalare kind of angelfish probably is the most familiar and fashionable of the species. They have grown to be so popular that at present there are quite a number of wild as well as cross-bred breeds for aquarium keepers to pick from and add to their own collection. Here are just some of the most well liked angelfish varieties available.

Silver Angelfish- also called a wild kind of angelfish, the silver angelfish doesn't contain any dominant color genes. It is because of this lack of color genes that make it appear with a silver body with usually four distinctive vertical black stripes. The stripes seen on the silver angelfish may fade and darken, depending on the mood of the fish. If it is under stress, these stripes may fade. The stripes become darkest when it is breeding time.

Gold Angelfish - this is possibly one of the hardiest and most appealing angelfish strains. Some of these angelfish are capable of developing an intense orange crown, adding to its attractiveness. The gold color of this angelfish strain is a recessive trait.

Black Lace Angelfish - this is usually a strain of a silver angelfish with one copy of the Dark gene. The result is an angelfish with very pretty black lacing in its fins. The black lace is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful of angelfish varieties.

Sunset Blushing - this strain usually has the top half of the angelfish exhibiting an orange tint, especially on the better ones. Its body is mostly white in color with clear fins. Some strains can show a pinkish or even a tangerine hue on their bodies. The expression blushing comes from the clear gill plates where the pinkish gill can be seen underneath.

Pearlscale - this angelfish variety is known for its scale mutation. The scales of this angelfish have a wrinkled and wavy appearance that reflect light to create a sparkling and pearly effect. This effect can be inhibited by stressful conditions.

Albino - this angelfish type typically has no dark pigments. Some of the angelfish varieties belonging to this group, like the Albino Marble, may have a hint of black still noticeable on the body of the fish. The eye pupils are pink as are typically exhibited in all kinds of albino animals.

Aquariums - Things You Need To Do

Keeping an aquarium at home can be extremely aesthetically pleasing and satisfying. But creating and keeping it is another thing altogether. Before you get even close to making an aquarium you will have to have knowledge of the basics of this hobby to be able to ensure the success of your endeavor. Below are some simple DOs and DON'Ts to remember to be able to properly maintain and care for your fish.

DO some research. Before you decide anything, read and make inquiries. If that proves unsubstantial, request advice from a professional or seek the help of other enthusiasts online through aquarium hobby forums. Creating an eco-system is a complicated task and this is what is needed from you when crafting an aquarium. It is important to keep up to date of what is helpful for you to be able to achieve a livable environment for your aquatic pets.

DON'T put aesthetics first. The natural aquatic environment is aesthetic on its own however, the elements found here don't exist just for beauty. Certain elements exist because of their crucial role in the delicate underwater ecosystem.

Don't do things because you think it looks good, rather, do things because it is needed to realize an aesthetic presentation. For instance, don't choose gravel for your aquarium that is too fine because it will become tightly packed and the friendly bacteria won't be able to prosper in your aquarium.

Also don't select gravel that's too big because food might easily get lost and trapped inside the gaps and this will also upset the equilibrium of your aquarium. DO have a quarantine tank handy and ready before you even purchase new additions for your tank.

Even if you have been getting away with not putting new additions in quarantine before adding it to your aquarium, you should always follow this important process. It only takes one tiny sick fish to contaminate one huge aquarium and wipe out an entire population. Therefore, it is better safe than sorry, and a process of quarantine for new entries should be in place.

DON'T over feed your fish. It is in fact better to underfeed than to overfeed your fish. To know the amount of food that is just right to feed your tank, test an amount and see if the food can be consumed within 5 minutes. If it takes more than 5 minutes then you've overfed them and you should immediately clean out any unconsumed food at this time.

Can Aquarium Fish Also Live In A Pond

Many people keep a goldfish or a guppy in a fish bowl or an aquarium. This maybe because of the restricted space in the home. But if it were feasible to have a large pond at home, is it possible for these species to live in a much larger environment?

This question can't be answered easily with a yes or no. This depends on the species. Take for example the Black Moor that got its name because of its color. This is like the goldfish that is a loving creature and able to get along with others and not just its own.

Studies show that the Black Moor isn't capable of living very well in the fish pond. These can survive though when a heater is placed inside as the temperature gets cold. The biggest difficulty is its eyesight because it doesn't see too well.

As a result, the Black Moor won't be able consume the food if others will be getting it first. It can also bump into things that may injure itself given there is no light like the kind provided in the aquarium.

Given this dilemma, the Black Moor shouldn't be kept in a pond. These should be kept in a 10 Gallon tank but it could be a lot of larger if there are a few of them around.

An example of fish that can exist in a pond are carp. This kind of fish is quite large and it will only get bigger in the months ahead. These come in numerous colors and aren't that hard to take care of. Pellets are ideal given that these creatures have a giant appetite.

The examples shown shows that fish depending on size and physical extremities have certain needs that have to be catered to in order for it to live for a few years. If these demands aren't met, you shouldn�t expect them to stay as long as we have hoped.

Those who are considering raising fish should question the sales clerk at the pet store about other species and what are their ideal living conditions. There are also books and articles on this on the web so the facts needed are readily available. Maintaining the aquarium or fish pond is another matter to think about when keeping these creatures as pets.

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