Many people keep a goldfish or a guppy in a fish bowl or an aquarium. This maybe because of the restricted space in the home. But if it were feasible to have a large pond at home, is it possible for these species to live in a much larger environment?
This question can't be answered easily with a yes or no. This depends on the species. Take for example the Black Moor that got its name because of its color. This is like the goldfish that is a loving creature and able to get along with others and not just its own.
Studies show that the Black Moor isn't capable of living very well in the fish pond. These can survive though when a heater is placed inside as the temperature gets cold. The biggest difficulty is its eyesight because it doesn't see too well.
As a result, the Black Moor won't be able consume the food if others will be getting it first. It can also bump into things that may injure itself given there is no light like the kind provided in the aquarium.
Given this dilemma, the Black Moor shouldn't be kept in a pond. These should be kept in a 10 Gallon tank but it could be a lot of larger if there are a few of them around.
An example of fish that can exist in a pond are carp. This kind of fish is quite large and it will only get bigger in the months ahead. These come in numerous colors and aren't that hard to take care of. Pellets are ideal given that these creatures have a giant appetite.
The examples shown shows that fish depending on size and physical extremities have certain needs that have to be catered to in order for it to live for a few years. If these demands aren't met, you shouldn�t expect them to stay as long as we have hoped.
Those who are considering raising fish should question the sales clerk at the pet store about other species and what are their ideal living conditions. There are also books and articles on this on the web so the facts needed are readily available. Maintaining the aquarium or fish pond is another matter to think about when keeping these creatures as pets.
- Algae (1)
- Angelfish (1)
- Basics (1)
- Black Moor (1)
- Cleaning (2)
- Correct Equipment (2)
- Feeding (1)
- Filtration (2)
- Food (1)
- Freshwater (1)
- Lighting and Heating (1)
- Maintenance (1)
- Pond (1)
- Saltwater (2)
- Sharks (1)