As you you are a keen aquarium owner, you ought to be able to relate when it is said that algae is a foremost problem in keeping the fish tank pleasant to view. Once a minor patch is observed, it only takes a day or two before you can observe that it is begining to overwhelm the delicate balance of your aquarium. Even though algae are generally thought to be an eyesore, we cant ignore the fact that they will grow in your fish tank whether you like it or not.
Its vital to know the kinds of algae that can flourish in your aquarium. It is essential for you to understand that there is a particular type of algae that can be left alone. This is the green kind of algae. It will start as a tiny, slimy patch then when left alone, it will grow into something akin to hair (green hair, that is!). Don't worry when you have green algae in your aquarium. This means that you have established a healthy environment for your pets. Now the challenge is how to control it and keep it from overwhelming all the other species in the tank.
If your new aquarium is plagued by the brown or red algae, then it is most likely that you have a problem in your fish tanks water quality. The red or brown algae usually appears in new, saltwater aquariums only. They are seen often on the corals.
An additional variety of algae-like organism is the diatom (and these are the hardest to clean!). These ones look like dots. These diatoms have hard shells and they cling to the tank. When not cleaned, green algae would start to grow on it.
You ought to be very alarmed when your aquarium becomes a home for cyanobacteria. This slimy stuff grows much more rapidly than the common algae. Even though it is simple to clean, cyanobacteria can grow back just as easy. Once there is an infestation of cyanobacteria in your aquarium, it is best to control them right away. The best way to do so is to clean the corals in your fish tank thoroughly.
There are ways of controlling algae in your aquarium. Other from cleaning regularly, it is also important to place the aquarium as far away from the window as you possibly can. Having a direct sunlight hit your aquarium will mean faster growth to the unsightly algae. If you have to place your aquarium near a window, make sure to put blinds or thick curtains that would protect the water from a direct hit of light. You can open these drapes or blinds during the evening.
An additional way of controlling algae is to restrict the amount of lighting that your fish receive in a day. Of course, lighting is necessary for them to develop Vitamin D in their bodies but too much lighting will surely hasten algae growth. To avoid this risk, make sure that you turn on the fish lights to no more than ten hours in a day. Make sure to turn them on or off during the same hours each day.
If you would like to resort to algae-eating creatures, then there are certain snails and fishes that you can purchase which would clean up the tank for you. Just make sure that they do not overpopulate. Remember that the more fishes you have in a small tank, the higher the chances that the ammonia would reach toxic levels.
There are some apparatus that can be installed to control the growth of algae. These include ultraviolet sterilizers and algae scrubbers, also equipment that do ozonization, resin exchange, or reverse osmosis. If you are willing to do so, you can use distilled water in your fish tank.
There are so many ways of controlling algae but bear in mind that preventing them from recurring would be futile. Algae are a normal part of an aquatic habitat. It is, after all, not dirt but just an unsightly growth in your tank. All you have to do is to learn to control it and manage a habitat that is healthier for your pet fish.
- Algae (1)
- Angelfish (1)
- Basics (1)
- Black Moor (1)
- Cleaning (2)
- Correct Equipment (2)
- Feeding (1)
- Filtration (2)
- Food (1)
- Freshwater (1)
- Lighting and Heating (1)
- Maintenance (1)
- Pond (1)
- Saltwater (2)
- Sharks (1)